Oregon Crusaders Annual Dinner and Auction

On Saturday May 7th, we’ll be hosting the Oregon Crusaders annual dinner and auction at the beautiful MAC Club in Portland. We’ll have a wonderful meal, great entertainment, awesome auction items, and of course every penny goes to OC, one of the largest youth performing arts organizations in the region. We had over 20 colorguard at the WGI championship in Dayton this weekend, another 50 next weekend with the drumline, and then the fun begins as we prepare to take 150 kids in a 12,000 mile summer tour. So needless to say, we welcome and value your support!
The dinner and auction theme this year, “Shaken… Not Stirred.” will provide a lot of Bond-themed fun, and we have trips to New Zealand and Egypt, other west coast adventures including great winery tastings and tours, and even a lamp made from an OC trumpet. You can read more and buy tickets at http://oregoncrusaders.org/2016auction

Save BSD Music Programs — Attend the School Board Meeting

We had another great music advocacy meeting last night with about 20 parents and teachers attending.  So much groundwork is being laid, but I will elaborate on that in other messages.

Our #1 short-term goal is to overflow the room at the board meeting this Monday, June 18th

Beaverton School District Administration Center 6:00pm
16550 SW Merlo Road, Beaverton, OR 97006
1) Wear RED and bring a homemade sign.Sign Examples Include:
– “Music Makes a Difference”
– “I Support Comprehensive Education”
– “Educate The Whole Child”
– “Budget Reduction Days Will Save Our Teachers & Our Programs”
2) Arrive EARLY to get a seat. Carpool if possible. Overflow parking is available across the street at Merlo Station High School. Please do NOT skip the meeting. We NEED a large turnout for impact. Dress for the weather in case some time has to be spent outside of the building. We had about 120 supporters show up last time, we want to DOUBLE IT this time. Bring a friend… bring three.
***If you plan to speak***
Arrive by 5:15pm and proceed directly to the front desk in the main lobby. Fill out at blue card if you wish to speak during the initial hearing, yellow if you wish to speak during the “community engagement” section. We should try to balance blue cards and yellow cards to make sure we fill the time and that all are heard. Make sure you write your speech in advance and rehearse it prior to the meeting. It should time out to 2 minutes or less. Call Jennifer Mohr if you want to speak but need advice about what to say or how to prepare: 503 764 8877 or jennifer_mohr@me.com.

3) During the meeting, stand silently when someone is speaking about the music programs. Please be respectful and do not speak or make any other unnecessary sounds during the meeting.

Basically, we need a repeat of what we did on June 4th—HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE wearing RED SHIRTS and CARRYING SIGNS.  The advocacy leadership team will organize speakers to put forward our platform, but we need BODIES (students, parents, and teachers) standing there and backing us up.  The overall communication will be IT’S NOT TOO LATE (to fix the budget) and WE ARE WATCHING and WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY.
We need an all-out EFFORT from EVERYBODY on this list to spread the wordattend the meeting (wearing RED) and bring two friends.  Offer to drive them or buy them coffee.  Whatever you need to do. Make it fun!
****You can invite people using this FACEBOOK EVENT****

Save BSD Music Programs — Attend the School Board Meeting #2

On June 4th, we had over 130 people at the meeting.  Let’s use every tool we have to get people there AGAIN on June 18th.  Let’s double the turnout this time.   Please work as hard for this as you did to get the petition signed.  1440 people signed that petition.  What if all of them showed up at the board meeting on June 18th?  Even 20% of that amount would be a victory.  We need to have large numbers to get press, recognition and credibility.  Please leave instruments at home, carry your sign, politely move chairs to make room for everyone, silently stand to show support when one of our own talks on the mic.
Speeches will:
• Review the cuts (and present music allocation grid for all 60 positions) and affects to class size, comprehensive programs
• Explain that we do not accept a transfer of blame for the cuts to the legislature or the levy that didn’t pass; we are holding the board and the district accountable
• Remind the board that it is not too late, and that they have alternatives (someone will read John Burns’ letter aloud)
• Remind the board that cutting days is the better solution for ALL students, not just music programs
• Demand that the board reopen the budget process on June 18th or set another meeting in July to reopen it
• Explain the consequences of not reopening the budget: programs cut (with not intention to reinstate?) class sizes skyrocket… and our group grows even more insistent.
• Remind the board that the administration has created this problem by adding 54 new positions and not covering them with days, and they need to start by putting a hold on those positions.
• Our challenge to board is: are you voting for 54 new positions with theoretical value rather than supporting positions with proven value (music/pe/library)?  If the administration wants the new stuff, go get furlough days!
Each speaker should:
• Write a 2-minute speech, rehearse it at home the night before, and deliver it powerfully at the meeting
• Have a handout of your speech to give to each board member after speaking
• E-mail us a copy of your speech by Sunday, June 17th.
More instructions and communication between speakers will be needed.  Take initiative and stay tuned.
• blast your e-mail list
• call your friends
• talk to parents during field day, or music/sports/graduation/end of year events this week
Volunteers needed:
• use your school roster/directory
• make cold calls to parents to talk about the budget and invite them to the meeting

Attend District Meetings to Advocate for Music Education


The following meetings will be very important to all families in the district, and especially for our focus on music education for our students.  All meetings will be held at BSD Administration Building (Central Office)  on Merlo Road.

Tuesday, April 28th       District Budget Committee Meeting       6:30pm – 9:30pm

Monday, May 4th          School Board Business Meeting           6:30pm

(plan on arriving at least a half hour prior if you want to speak on the record before the board, 3 minute maximum) 

Tuesday, May 12th        District Budget Committee Meeting       6:30pm – 9:30pm

*****Wear Red If You Can!*****

For the Budget Committee meetings there is also a time for public comments.